ATTENTION STUDENTS! Interest meetings are taking place on October 1st during Lunch 1 for Fall 2024 Applicants!
What is NHSDA?
How do I apply for NHSDA induction?
1. Get involved in all Ridge Dance opportunities - classes, extracurricular activities, volunteer events.
2. Attend the informational meeting in the Fall of 2024
3. Track your participation points
4. Complete the NHSDA Induction Packet and submit to Mrs. Miranda
What is the commitment for an NHSDA member?
1. NHSDA holds weekly meetings throughout the school year on Thursday mornings from 7:50-8:15 in the dance studio.
2. NHSDA members must commit to a committee and participate in the committee regularly. Example committees are: Lobby Decor, Script Writing, Advocacy, etc.
What are the benefits of being an NHSDA member?
1. Recognition and distinction for prestigious work in the field of dance.
2. Added prestige to college applications and resumes. 3. Graduation cords and pins to be worn during graduation.
Congratulations to the Ridge NHSDA members whose articles that were published in the NHSDA National Newsletter, Dance Arts Now!
Click below to read the current articles: Dance Arts Now! Newsletter Spring 2021- Article by Marina Zunin
Click the link below to read the past articles: Dance Arts Now! Newsletter Fall 2018- Article by Madison Maguire